Information About Distance Learning

SALT College supports distance learning in a variety of subjects, at different levels of study. Subjects are designed and prepared with the ‘integrated mission’ of The Salvation Army clearly in mind. To this end, much space is given for reflection and the practical application of learning. Reflective practitioners must be able to apply personal learning, for the benefit ‘real life’ situations, wherever they find themselves.

Study subjects are available at Foundation, Certificate and Diploma levels. More information is provided on the levels of study, the subjects, and the people for whom they are designed in the following course details. Ongoing assessment in each subject aids the student with feedback on their own learning. Formal assessment includes submitted written assignments and examinations. Informal assessment, aimed at supporting learning at regular intervals, may include short personal written reflections, case studies, and problem solving exercises.


By offering distance-learning subjects as it’s core business, SALT College affirms:

That the best education is achieved in a student-centred environment. Through distance learning, each student can develop themselves, whilst continuing to contribute responsibly in the places where they live and work.

That distance learning can be as good as education delivered in a classroom environment.

The acquisition of knowledge, alongside the continued development of skills, enable a student to build confidence in their appointed role, and a sense of respect for self and others.

That continuous education is essential for the development of the African continent, as well as for each student.