Foundation In Salvation Army Ministry

This is a distance learning course, with single subjects made widely available for Salvationists, Local Officers, and Candidates for Officership within The Salvation Army. Acceptance for study is based of support given by the territory/command/region. A Foundation Course Award is issued following the successful completion of at least five (5) Foundation Course subjects.

The emphasis of the Foundation subjects is on practical application to daily Christian leadership and ministry. The subjects are therefore designed with local leaders in mind, especially for new or potential leaders, serving within a corps or social service centre. Learning in each subject is supported by the completion of written assignments and an examination, with arrangements made for local marking. Foundation Level subjects can be selected from the following list:

Subject Summaries:

Preliminary New Testament

A guided Bible reading study, introducing the life of Jesus, the early church and the New Testament letters.

Preliminary Old Testament

A guided Bible reading study, looking at emergence of Israel, God’s covenant nation, and the Old Testament prophets.

The Salvation Army – An Introduction

A brief history of the beginnings of The Salvation Army, it’s mission and objectives.

Salvationists and their Beliefs

>An introductory survey of the core beliefs for Christians who are called Salvationists.

Salvationists and their Conduct

A study of ethical issues, as they affect religion and culture of people called Salvationists.

Mercy Seat Counselling

A practical study to help counsellors, who come alongside those who seek after God.


A look at the meaning of Soldiership, for those who are called to be active within The Salvation Army as their church. Includes an overview of the doctrines of The Salvation Army.

Local Officers’ Guide

Looks at the vital role of local ‘lay’ leadership in the life of a Salvation Army Corps. Different Local Officer positions are examined.


A practical examination of different ‘methods’ for preaching effectively from the Word of God. Personal preaching practice forms part of the assessment for this subject.

Meeting Leadership

A practical examination of ways of leading God’s people in corporate worship. Personal leading of worship forms part of the assessment for this subject.

Corps Structure

A survey of the local church. What are the purposes of the corps/society/outpost? What should the local church be doing? What is the relationship of the local church with the wider Salvation Army, and with the local community? Includes a brief study of the earliest churches in the New Testament the Acts of the Apostles.

Pastoral Care

A practical study on listening to people and caring for people, in recurring pastoral situations. Includes a brief linked study of the New Testament letter of 1 Corinthians.

Corps Records

Looks at the importance of keeping good order in the local church, especially with the written records of a Corps and its sections. Includes a brief linked study of the New Testament Gospels.